New Jerusalem Headquarters

In 1978 God gave Pastor A.G. Blackwood a vision to establish a House of Worship in the borough of Queens, in the state of New York. The visionary moved according to the word of the Lord, and in March 1978 a building located at 112-07 Francis Lewis Blvd. was purchased through the provision of God. The first service held was comprised of the Blackwood family and five friends. The leading and the blessing of God were visible in the newly established work.

Due to the continuous growth of the congregation, the visionary began to see the need for a larger edifice. He mobilized the congregation in raising funds for this purpose and in 1991 four lots of land were purchased at 130-08 Springfield Blvd, Springfield Gardens. The members continued to labor faithfully with their Pastor and in 1995 the mortgage on these lots was paid off. In 1997 an architectural firm was hired to procure a blueprint of the building, and a general contractor and a consultant firm were retained in an advisory capacity. In 1998 the Chase Manhattan Bank gave its commitment to assist in financing the project under the Community Development Program and the construction of the new sanctuary began.

On Saturday, May 15th, 1999, The New Jerusalem Church family with hundreds of well-wishers and friends marched proudly under the leadership of God and with the protection of the New York Police Department from 112-07 Francis Lewis Blvd. to 130-08 Springfield Boulevard to dedicate the new sanctuary. The dedication took place even though the building was not completed and the New Jerusalem Church family began to worship in their new edifice. In November 2002, the church purchased an adjoining property that is presently used as a parking lot.

Among the many ministries of the church is an outreach ministry, C.O.M.E (Christians Outreach Mission Endeavor) established to facilitate the physical and temporal needs of the community, an annual Thanksgiving meal provided for those living in shelters, and a Senior Citizens Program. The church began a weekly broadcast on public television throughout the Metropolitan area, which includes Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Manhattan. The Jerusalem Hour has taken the airwaves by storm with an overwhelming response, giving birth to a 24 -hour prayer line.

The New Jerusalem Church extended its boundaries to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania under the pastoral leadership of Overseer Valentine Archibald; and to 5258 Rockbridge Drive SW, Stone Mtn., GA. 30087, pastored by Bishop A.G. Blackwood. In addition to adopting other churches through affiliated fellowships, such as; Christ Ambassadors Apostolic Church in Brooklyn, NY pastored by Pastor Glen John, Deliverance Temple of Truth in Fairmont, NC pastored by Pastor Amelia Mclean, and The Zoe Christian Fellowship in Johannesburg, South Africa pastored by Bishop Bennet Motatinyane.

To date, the church family is proud to celebrate its forty-second year of ministry with miracles, signs, and wonders that are too numerous to mention. The Church solicits your sincere prayers as we endeavor to accomplish the mandate given to us by God to “DECLARE THE WORKS OF THE LORD” for the saving of souls.


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